ideal para trabajos manuales, que pega tela, papel, carton, foam, madera y otros.
para mejores resultados, asegurese que las superficies a pegar esten limpias de polvo,grasa o cualquier otro elemento indeseado. Apliquese en las superficies que desea unir, espere 30 segundos y mientras la goma este humeda, presione levemente ambas superficies, hasta que se fijen, Deje secar.
Debe utilizarse en lugares ventilados ya que contiene sustancias toxicas e inflamables.
Mantengase bien cerrado y en lugares frescos. No deje al alcance de los ninos, En caso de ser ingerido acuda al medico.
ideal for manual works, which sticks fabric, paper, cardboard, foam, wood and others.
For best results, make sure that the surfaces to be bonded are clean of dust, grease or any other unwanted element.
Apply on the surfaces you want to join, wait 30 seconds and while the rubber is wet, press lightly both surfaces, until they are fixed, let dry.
It should be used in ventilated areas as it contains toxic and flammable substances. Keep well closed and in cool places.
Do not leave it within the reach of children, If ingested, go to the doctor.