Dziecko dorosłych ciała cyfrowy Termometr LCD pomiar temperatury USSP, możesz o nich nadmienić środek łatwy do przenoszenia A85

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Child Adult Body Digital LCD Thermometer Temperature Measurement USSP


  • Waterproof, rinse with water after the measurement day, regular use of alcohol can also be disinfected;

  • Beep, beep after the end of the measurement automatically prompt (measured mercury do not know how long the subject, this section no such concerns)

  • Precision, accuracy up to ± 0.5 ℃, the minimum scale reading up to 0.1 ℃;

  • Easy reading, measurement accuracy, no harmful mercury, etc., and have Beeper and memory function

Package Included:

  • 1 x Digital LCD Body Thermometer


  • Reviews Reviews (5)
  • Based on 5 ocen - 0 1 2 3 4 5,00/5
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    0 1 2 3 4
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    0 1 2 3 4