SINSNAN 5PC30X30cm ręcznik do twarzy z mikrofibry chiny miękkie Superabsorbent ręcznie ręcznik kąpielowy małe ręczniki kuchenne

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62,05 zł

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5,00/5 - 6 ocen

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Coral velvet towel with new ultra-fine polyester fiber: the surface of the fiber is honeycomb, the fluff is coral-like, the water absorption is 7 times that of the cotton product, with super absorbent; the water is easy to dry, no water stain, no mildew It is non-sticky, easy to use and beautiful, durable; the texture is delicate, the hand feels soft and fluffy, can not afford the ball, does not fade; baby\'s skin can also be used.hand wash can be convenient and easy to take care of. 


  • Reviews Reviews (6)
  • Based on 6 ocen - 0 1 2 3 4 5,00/5
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