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Embossing Stamp Vintage

Customize Stamp with Your Logo

270 logo for choose


Vintage Stainless Steel Sealing Wax Stamp :

1 pcs in one PE box ,

For Letterhead Setting, For Wedding Envelope

​Please send logo to US.

Customized Embosser with your logo , or our logo at below ( You can change details: letter and date).

(e.g. LOGO 265 , Name :  Nathan & Vicky,  date: 1 Sep. 2014)

This Handle is made by stainless steel.
The stamp head is made by copper and its big size is diameter 40mm. There are more 270 pcs logo for you choose and the text is available to change with yours. 

1.Embossing on Sticker

YW1 (1)YW1 (5)YW1 (6)

2. Embossing on envelops


YW1 (2)

It is very good to be used together with Wax seal 

More 270pcs logo:

yw1-zf (1)yw1-zf (2)yw1-zf (3)yw1-zf (4)yw1-zf (5)yw1-zf (6)yw1-zf (7)yw1-zf (8)

yw1-zf (9)yw1-zf (10)yw1-zf (11)yw1-zf (12)yw1-zf (13)yw1-zf (14)yw1-zf (15)

yw1-cy (5)yw1-cy (6)


  • Reviews Reviews (6)
  • Based on 6 ocen - 0 1 2 3 4 5,00/5
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    0 1 2 3 4
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    0 1 2 3 4