When the total number of orders is less than 20 dollars, according to the Alibaba global selling pass, in the way goods, there is no tracking service. Because the price of the raw material is very low, almost no profit, to maximize the savings, will not provide tracking all the tracking information. But please be assured that the goods will arrive on time.
If you insist on full tracking service, please choose the way of transportation: after China air mail, pay the freight. This way of transportation, you can track all the information tracking and arrival time.
When the total number of orders is more than 18 dollars, you do not have to pay the freight. Mode of transportation: after the change of Chinese airmail, you can enjoy free delivery, free and complete tracking information.
Pay special attention to:
Please note that when you purchase, please login to your account to pay your order, so that you will be more secure in buying goods, and pay attention to your command message if the purchase is successful. If you have any questions, please leave the news for us
Please read the following rules carefully
When the total number of orders is less than 18 dollars, according to the Alibaba global selling pass, in the way goods, there is no tracking service. Because the price of the raw material is very low, almost no profit, to maximize the savings, will not provide tracking all the tracking information. But please be assured that the goods will arrive on time.
If you insist on full tracking service, please choose the way of transportation: after China air mail, pay the freight. This way of transportation, you can track all the information tracking and arrival time.
When the total number of orders is more than 7 dollars, you do not have to pay the freight. Mode of transportation: after the change of Chinese airmail, you can enjoy free delivery, free and complete tracking information.
Pay special attention to:
Please note that when you purchase, please login to your account to pay your order, so that you will be more secure in buying goods, and pay attention to your command message if the purchase is successful. If you have any questions, please leave the news for us